
By ‘traditional Latin Mass’ we refer to the Mass of the Roman Rite celebrated throughout the Catholic Church of the West until the Second Vatican Council in 1962 and the liturgical reforms that followed the Council. This rite of Mass was handed on (Latin traditio) for centuries with few modifications. Arguably the last Roman Missal in this lineage was the edition promulged by Pope John XXIII in 1962.

The mass is known by many different names, most commonly: the Tridentine Mass, the Latin Mass, the old mass, the old rite, the Mass of the traditional Roman Rite, the Mass of the classical Roman Rite, the usus antiquior (the ‘ancient usage’), and more recently the ‘extraordinary form’ of the Roman Rite.

The traditional Latin Mass differs from the reformed new order (novus ordo) of mass first promulgated by Pope Paul VI in 1969 which is sometimes also celebrated in the Latin language.

Is this form of Mass permitted?
The traditional Latin Mass’s legal status within the Church in modern times is dealt with in Pope Francis’s apostolic letter Traditionis Custodes (July 16, 2021), Pope Benedict XVI’s apostolic letter Summorum Pontificum (July 2007), in Pope John Paul II’s apostolic letter Ecclesia Dei (July 1988), and Pope John Paul II’s letter Quattuor abhinc annos (October 1984).

Does the directory also include other Western liturgical rites and usages?
The directory also includes and encourages other approved Western Rites and usages in force in the Catholic Church in 1962 such as the Dominican Rite, Mozaribic Rite, Bragan Rite, Lyonese Rite etc.

How do I add or modify a directory entry?
Anyone may register on the web site and create or modify directory entries. Before creating a new entry, we encourage you to search the directory in order to prevent duplications. If you are modifying an existing entry, please ensure that you are doing so with current information.

How do I report an issue with an entry?
If you see a mass venue that has been permanently suspended you can mark it as such by following the Report venue as suspended link on the entry’s page. If a mass has moved to a new location, please first create the new venue and then follow the Report venue as suspended link and select the new venue location from the New location dropdown. Any other issues with a page may be reported by following the Report another issue link on the entry’s page. In rare instances of abuse, user accounts may be terminated and entries rolled back to their previous saved status.